How my journey began
I’m Leanne Towner. I’m a Personal Coach, Access Bars ® Facilitator, Holistic Wellness Practitioner and The Founder of Align Thy Mind. My passion is showing other women how to align their emotional, physical & spiritual wellbeing with their outer wealth so they can create a life on their terms !
My business journey has been an interesting one – for 25+ years I worked my butt off living the dream climbing the finance corporate ladder. But it wasn’t until I landed my dream job as a Finance Manager for a large streetwear chain that I realised that I was actually living someone else’s dream! Doh! This was not in the plan !
I was drained energetically, I felt stuck emotionally and it was showing up in my health. I went to Tony Robbins’ UPW in Sydney Australia in 2016 and it was there I discovered my purpose - I wanted to help other women thrive in life too!
As soon as I returned from UPW, I started a 3 year coaching certification, but after struggling to find balance for 18 months with adding study and coaching to my already full plate, I took the plunge and waved my dream career goodbye. For the next two years I still worked full time but I took on lower grade positions to gift myself the time to hone my coaching craft and build my platform to enable me to inspire, serve, educate and transform soul purpose driven women anywhere in the world. Then the boats were FINALLY burnt, I was ALL in on my purpose and Align Thy Mind was born!
Coaching and self-healing are not just a business for me but are a way of life. Which is what working with me now is all about, my mission to empower women to a greater understanding of themselves through my offerings of real life tools, strategies, techniques and self-care rituals that allow you to dig deep and level up in any area of your life.
I have invested highly in my own education and mindset growth so I can fully support my clients on their personal growth journey. I have been privileged to have been trained by some of the world’s best in the field of human behaviour, coaching, personal and professional development including Tony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, Gary Douglas, Dr Dain Heer, Sharon Pearson, The Coaching Institute, Daniel Hawken, Universal School of Reiki and various Access Consciousness facilitators.
I have a deep appreciation for the role of the conscious and subconscious mind and the correlation between our thoughts and the quality of our lives. So let's get rid of those limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you, get you focused on the right thoughts and craft a plan that is tailored to YOUR life goals!
start to make new choices and create a life you love!

more about me…
You have gotten the sense by now that I am extremely PASSIONATE about my clients and their goals. I have SEEN first hand with INTENTIONAL effort and the RIGHT support, EVERYONE has the ability to CREATE whatever they DESIRE in THEIR life. The RESULTS my clients are ACHIEVING everyday are AHHMAZING! Even to me…… and that my friends is why I LOVE to do WHAT I do!
My style is to provide a SAFE SPACE for my clients to fully be HEARD but I won’t hesitate in CALLING YOU OUT on your B.S in order to SERVE YOU and to ENCOURAGE you to LEVEL UP quicker!
Why take the long way round route if you can take a toll road and be there in half the time ?!
I also LOOOVE to use the words energy, alignment, choice, possibilities, universe and mindset a lot!
I live Australia and (when the borders allow) split my time between my homes in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Tasmania. Over 20 years ago I married my high school sweetheart and together we have a raised our son, daughter and a our beautiful black pug “Biggy”.
When I am not on a zoom call, writing content or on retreat, I love to paint, travel, eating out and spending time with my special peeps.
On the bookshelf
connect with me
Self-discovery is a uniquely personal process and experience as you uncover, heal and let go of any limitations or limiting beliefs you have created in your life.
Together, we will uncover the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs which are no longer serving you and the BEST part is you get to replace them with ones that do!
So, If you are looking for someone to provide you with the tools & strategies to help you:
reduce stress
feel calm & centred
improve your self-love and confidence
release emotional blocks that you know are keeping you ‘stuck’ or
find your sense of purpose or clarity in your life
find a new direction or path
discover that next step forward in your life or business
Then it is highly possible that there is a DIVINE reason, why you are choosing to read my bio page right now. Don’t you agree?
If so, I would love to CONNECT and get to know you better.
Go ahead and schedule in a 15 minute virtual coffee chat, and we can connect and find the alignment path for you.